When you have finished reviewing a case, it is critical that you add notes to the Editor Comments section. Make sure that the case is checked out by clicking the Check Out button. Make sure that you are under Properties > Attributes/Status.

Click the Editor comment link.

Start typing your case notes (i.e., next steps for the case). You can:

  1. Request that the author edit the case, provide more information (i.e., further explanation, additional images), etc.
  2. Request CIP Staff switch the question order, image order, etc.
  3. Request another editor or the Editor in Chief review the case for a second opinion.
  4. Confirm the case is approved and "good to go."
  5. Report this case as potential issue (i.e., plagiarism, lack of medical knowledge, etc).

Once you are done, click the Update button.

It is important to add notes in the Editor Comment box because it provides a case history for all CIP faculty and staff. However, in order for CIP Staff be notified of your case review, you must update the case's Route To "flag." Depending on the necessary next steps, change the Route To flag to the appropriate flag. Click Update to save the new flag. An automatic email will trigger if you select any of the Blue, Purple, or Green flags. Finally, click Check In to log out of the case.